Rockin’Around the Big Red Barn

ROCKIN’ AROUND THE BIG RED BARN ~By Suzy Leopold Rockin’ around the big red barn on a snowy Christmas night. Mistletoe hung on the rafters high. Smack! Smooch! It’s the barnyard animals’ delight. Rockin’ around the big red barn with Farmer Bill’s barnyard crew. Later we’ll have some eats and treats and we’ll do someContinue reading “Rockin’Around the Big Red Barn”

Got 30 + PB Ideas

Once a year during the month of November, Tara Lazar, author hosts  PiBoIdMo. The challenge is to write thirty picture book ideas in one month. Sounds too difficult you say? Well, not really when there are daily posts from individuals in the kid lit community that includes authors, agents and publishers. This was my thirdContinue reading “Got 30 + PB Ideas”