Picture Book Critique Partners

As a whole, the picture book community is supportive and encouraging. Critique partners and groups are invaluable. Writers who exchange manuscripts should consider doing so as a professional reciprocal relationship of giving and receiving. Writers acquire new knowledge when giving and receiving critiques. Giving constructive critiques improves a writer’s own manuscripts. “No time spent writingContinue reading “Picture Book Critique Partners”

#50 Precious Words with Vivian Kirkfield

THE ENDECOTT PEAR TREE By Susan Leopold America grew all around me.  Could I grow, too? Would my roots dig deep? Would my branches reach for the sun? A new beginning, freedom, and hope. Despite neglect, severe weather, and vandalism, I stood strong. I grew. I survived.  I stand strong. America’s oldest fruit tree–a nationalContinue reading “#50 Precious Words with Vivian Kirkfield”

Nonfiction Fest 2023

Nonfiction Fest is a month-long writing event for picture book creators in February. The 2023 Nonfiction Fest is dedicated to the remembrance of Pat Miller–the creator of the Nonfiction Ninjas. The event is hosted by the Nonfiction Ninjas: Stephanie Bearce, Nancy Churnin, Lisa Amstutz, Susie Kralovansky, Christine Liu-Perkins, Linda Skeers, and Peggy Thomas. If youContinue reading “Nonfiction Fest 2023”